shop—space—blog—residency—press—digital rest stop dedicated to slowing down & wasting time

wtf is this

objects (coming soon)(all in due time)

digital residency (ditto)

under the flowerpot

ig (waste with us)

it’s the . time to waste some time.

slug is a rebellion quiet as moss. slow as dusk. standing (sitting, sprawling, simply there) against the gleam of want-more, need-more.

we know the world won’t pause, the system won’t stutter for us.  there’s always more to know, to do, to grasp at.

here is a silver trace of slowness. a gentle nudge to fall out of step. 
waste time. drift into the soft hollow of boredom, of freedom.

stay here. waste a while.
under the flower pot is our substack.

how should a person be?
on being less & becoming slug

i’m reading sheila heti’s how should a person be. part novel, part self-help manual for female artists in their twenties. i’m not a female artist in my twenties. that’s because i’m not in my twenties anymore & because the word artist feels big on me. like being a kid and slipping into my father’s size 47 doc martens, clomping around, pretending. still, the book is for me. because i ask myself this all the time. how should a person be?

keep reading

(image: traces of love by sandra de matos)

3 things to grieve with today & any day
(think “seeking comfort in an uncomfortable chair” by bruno munari but instead it’s you trying to fit into the world)

it’s hard being here. feeling here. in this world. there’s an election & no one wins. except the same empire. except the same dollar. there is no limit to the wrongness of things. no bottom. a genocide holds steady in the background. rooted so deep they call it history. you’re told you’re radical for feeling it shake you. even if it’s the smallest, softest parts of you aching.

keep reading

(image: a girl's best friend by margot quan knight)


writer & poet ilona lodewijckx found herself bound to the steady drip drip drip of dopamine coming from curated feeds & algorithms. her attention frayed thin. she decided to reacquaint herself with a lost art: the art of being bored.

slug is the result of this search. a way to carve out space. physical. mental. temporal. space for what doesn’t demand. doesn’t insist. unproductivity. purposelessness. soothing unconcentration. slug is a gentle rebellion against our system of hyper-speed & hyper-sell. of every second filled & filled. it celebrates time well wasted. knowing only in open space can new things find shape.

slug isn’t a way of looking away. or disconnecting just to disappear. we stand firm with palestine. lebanon. sudan. congo. & all who resist oppression.